On Fri, 15 Sep 2000 20:44:50 -0400, Philip Thrift
<[log in to unmask]>

>Just as 'the stone' is a model (mental technology) so is 'the mind'.
>'Stone', 'mind', 'you', 'me' are mental models, but are not real.
>What is there really for us? Pure sensory data -- signals
>(oops! -- another abstraction!)
>What we do with it after that is modeling.

No problem, i think.
It's not "only" modeling, modeling is all the important thing.
Views, visions are important.
Not to "downgrade" everything as just a model.
Better to equally regard various schematics and type of models
and methods to explain the world as equaly valid reality.

If you become conscious in a dream, you can experience all the
circumstances just like any other reality - just like wake, including
This is what can lead to accepting different equally valid

"I think, therefore I am - Descartes
 I think .. I'll have annother drink now - H=E4gar the horrible"
also not bad...