On Fri, 15 Sep 2000 09:43:02 EDT Denise LePage <[log in to unmask]>
> I read a book some 20 years ago or so called The Descent of Woman.
> The author theorized that we spent a large amount of time in the
> water (not living in it, but near it and spending a lot of time in it),
> evidenced by our noses, hairless bodies, fat distribution and other
> differences from land-bound primates.
> She had a lot of interesting theories about all of this that could
> have been  just plain silly, but at the time, they made a lot of sense.
> anyone else read this or heard of these theories?

Hi, Denise.....I read that book years ago and still have a copy.
She thought that wading about in the water helped us
develop our upright stance......she also thought that one
reason human females developed bulbous breasts....when
other primates don't have bulby ones was because of
the fat layers developed to keep us warm in the water.
Too make the breast milk warm also.....
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