>>Ginny Wilken wrote:
>>It's easy to keep from being hungry if you eat enough fat and >protein, and
>>you simply cannot gain fat that way.
>Really?!  So if I do a carb depletion diet (0g carbs), then I should be able
>to eat all the bacon, eggs, pork, etc I want b/c I "simply cannot gain fat
>that way."  Great idea!!
>The bottom line is this: If caloric intake outweighs the fat burning
>mechanisms (metabolic rate, adrenaline levels, bodyheat level, hGH, etc),
>then bodyfat ~will~ be added.  This applies regardless of the macronutrient
>ratio.  As I recall, their have been several people on this list who added
>bodyfat by eating too many calories even though they were doing low carb.
>Justin Hasselman

What you hear in Atkins, etc. is that in ketosis you blow off ketones
the urine, breath, and sweat. I've never read exactly how much of a
difference this is supposed to make.  Does anybody have any idea?
