Unless the person had a thyroid problem, they would get absolutely
(5-6% bodyfat) eating this way.  This goes back to the "protein
subject discussed earlier.  It's a simple diet, and it was used
by bodybuilders of the 60s and 70s to achieve ultra low bodyfat
levels.  To
keep things easy, then would typically pick once piece of meat (ex-
turkey, eye round steak, chicken breast) and just eat the meat with a
glass of water for their 3-4 meals per day.  Even if the person eats a
of protein, most of it is going to be converted to glucose.  Since
isn't going to give the person much energy, the body wil be forced to
another supplemental energy source (ex- bodyfat stores).  Throw in
weights and cardio, creatine, an EC type fat burner, and look out.

>From: Philip Thrift <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: [P-F] weight & appearance thereof
>Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 12:24:06 -0400
>Just curious about people who have tried to lose weight/fat.
>What would happen if you just ate nothing but turkey and drank
>lots of water for a week?
>Philip Thrift