I'm new to the paleo list.  I am considering the paleo diet.
Currently =
I do not eat any gluten, soy or dairy.  I am a 43 year old suburban =
housewide, and do a moderate amount of exercise (off road biking, =
swimming & running). =20

I'm wondering if I can get enough "fuel" from the paleo diet to
continue =
my current (moderate) physical activity level if I have to give up all
the rice I eat?  Also, doesn't meat and nuts have a lot of fat?  =
Wouldn't I have to increase my exercise level from the moderate to the
extreme level in order to burn off all the fat from the  meat and =
nuts--otherwise wouldn't I gain weight?

Also, due to a former case of systemic candida, I haven't found any
nuts =
that I can still tolerate?  Maybe paleo diet would be too difficult if
I =
only ate meat and veggies?   Also, I love being dairy free--that's by
choice, not by necessity.  I I seem to breath easier without the

Please,  comments welcome...............
