Actually I have lost 95 pounds since going paleo.

Here are my dietary guidelines that I followed strictly at first and I
follow loosely today.

1.  Eat all the food I want - try for an instinctual stop here.
2.  Eat only original foods - paleo = meat, veggies, fruit, and nuts
3.  Eat only one food per meal - no condiments or salt
    I do not drink liquids ( water) while eating, just before or
    I do not stop eating and then go back to it say 20 minutes latter.
4.  Eat only when hungry
5.  Fast for a minimum of 2 hours after eating - water only

nervegas wrote:
>  I can send you my dietary paleo rules if you like.
> >
> > Michael
> Please do!
> I'm at the end of my wits.
> :Medusa:
> [subvert and conquer : ProjectMayhem2000]