> Looking at the stars in the sky is not at all
> equivalent to Astrology.  In fact,
> 99% of people who practice astrology have never
> looked at the stars.

Since I was not there, I cannot be absolutely certain
about this. But, I understand the 3 Wise Men *were*
astrologers, and that is why they were viewing the
night sky when they saw the "big one". Astrology and
astronomy were pretty much the same thing at that

> What are the crops for Islam and Judaism?

Good question. We've all been exposed to the
"shepherd" and "flock" ideas of Christianity, but I'm
not very familiar with any equivalents in the other
two. Anyone out there with a background in either

> Actually, that WAS religious proseletyzing. People
> who wish to be offensive
> often preface their remarks with a disclaimer.

> Why was it proseletyzing, and what was offensive
> about it?

Depends on your point of view. I was always raised
with the idea that proseletyzing was trying to convert
another religious sect to your own sect (e.g. -
Catholics trying to convert a Protestent sect and vice
versa, Christians trying to convert Jews, etc.). By
that definition, I would say quoting a prayer is not
proseletyzing, since I detected no attempt to convert

However, in this day and age, it seems the mere
mention of anything relating to God is verboten except
in church or at home. Which I find quite disturbing.
I'm curious. Other than being off topic, why is
quoting a prayer or mentioning God so offensive to
some people? Calling someone a slanderous name is
offensive. Using obscene or abusive language is
offensive. How can referencing God or religion be
considered offensive?

Case in point. Most of us tolerate or even enjoy
postings by Amadeus even though he is a "born again"
vegetarian and it seems at times he's trying to
"convert" us to his way of thinking. Would anyone
consider his postings "offensive", even though his
nutritional views are diametrically opposed to most of
the list members? I think not.

Anyone have an objective answer?