You know, for some one who is so upset at the idea that you must kill
in order to eat it, you may be happier taking your delicate

Must you post the same thing three seperate times? Is this to give the
impression of an outcry of protest?? Do you know where you are?

(who loves her pets and her meat)

At 09:39 PM 09/11/2000 EDT, you wrote:
>Ray Audette wrote:
><<With dogs Man could hunt any other animal on earth with little risk of
>personal injury.  Many people in the U.S. to this day hunt large bears with
>only spears and dogs.  It's rough on the dogs but people seldom get hurt.>>
>How sad for the dogs and bears.  Spearing a bear is a very cruel and slow way
>for the bear to die.  At what expense do you want to eat a meat-based diet?
>At the expense of extreme cruelty to animals?  This is very upsetting to me.