When things are taken seriously everything is personal and a
challenge.  Most
of these list "debates" are entertaining to me.  I was having fun when
I was
ranting about Amadeus's vegetarian delusions.
All I know is what I experience. I realize everything I BELIEVE may be
 For 99% of the people religion (that includes nutrition) is about
not direct experience, People get upset and threatened when their
beliefs are
I don't get upset if someone tells me that vegetarianism is the
way to eat.
I KNOW that is wrong (at least for me).
The same if someone say's the only way to heaven is through Jesus (or
Jehovah or Baal).


<< Gawen,

 <<You forgot
 4) They take themselves too seriously.>>

 I tried, but I can't see where this fits in a list of why people
 negatively to things.  Could you elaborate?

 Siobha >>