Oh man, not again eh?
Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt.
Yes I am a cruel bitch, I eat animals that I have not killed myself
but that day
may come soon.  They taste vey good on my plate and I shall continue
to do so.

Christy from the Netherlands

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> Ray Audette wrote:
> <<With dogs Man could hunt any other animal on earth with little risk of
> personal injury.  Many people in the U.S. to this day hunt large bears with
> only spears and dogs.  It's rough on the dogs but people seldom get hurt.>>
> How sad for the dogs and bears.  Spearing a bear is a very cruel and slow way
> for the bear to die.  At what expense do you want to eat a meat-based diet?
> At the expense of extreme cruelty to animals?  This is very upsetting to me.