>Duh, Mike,
>    Didn't anyone ever tell you that religion is a private matter?

Tolerance comes to mind here.  Appreciating the differences in
orientations, philosophies, and beliefs can only make our lives
I've noticed people react negatively to things for a few reasons:

1) They lack understanding
2) They fear the unknown
3) They 'recognize' a part of themselves they don't like, in another
   (the shadow self)

Sex used to be a 'private' matter, rarely discussed.  As a result, our
societyu swung in the opposite direction, where sex permeates our
lives in
many ways each day.  Anything ignored, pushed away, or repressed will
itself bigger in order to be acknowledged and heard.  Restriction
work...but flow does.  For example, we more than likely would not
still be
discussing this if some didn't have a reaction to it, it would have
flowed through.
