Mary wonders...

>Aren't most major religions, agricultural religions?
>Does each major religion have a different crop?
>Is Christianity celebrating a different crop than Islam or Judaism?
>What are the major crops of each?

Christianity often refers to shepherding; Lamb of God, for example.
It was
shepherds abiding in their field and watching over thier flocks by
night who
saw the star of Bethlehem.  Which I've always found interesting.  Some
people look to the stars for answers; "as a Gemini with her moon in
this is the time to address the conflict with the Saggitarius in your
life..."  You know, one of those eee-vee-ill activities many
Christians rank right up there (or is it down there?) with witchcraft.
it's three Wise Men looking at the stars in the sky who see the
Take THAT, Jerry Falwell!

To the point.  Christian food symbols include wine, loaves and fishes.
Sorry, PETA, Jesus was NOT a vegetarian!  In the Old Testament, it's
sacrificed animals.  Among Cain and Able, it's the one who sacrificed
rather than an animal that wound up on the skids with God.  Ray, I
forward to your comments on this one!

Dori Zook
Denver, CO