Since I started eating meat after many years and cutting out grains
beans, I have had allergy symptoms like congestion and post-nasal drip
day.  The symptoms are worth the overall improvement in the way I feel
so I
wouldn't go back to being vegetarian.

I thought it was just coincidence but Susan's post made me wonder.
other people on the list started having allergy symptoms when they
their diet?  It seem like a lot of people I talk to (ages 26-35) have
started getting allergy symptoms in the last few years.  I wonder if
something has changed in the environment or if it's just part of
older. I did read something that suggested that the rise in asthma and
allergies may be connected to the increasing cleanliness of our
environments.  That wouldn't apply to me though :^).


>Hi Stacie,
>>  DD has never had the
>>opportunity to eat unhealthy foods or poisons...BUT is getting runny nose
>>from paleo foods she grabs from my plate.
>Me too! I have never had a runny nose in my life, even before I found out
>about celiac disease and paleo. Now I eat better than I ever have and feel
>the best ever but my nose runs.
>What is this all about I wonder?