Laurie, this post really hit home with me.  I lost my 10 year old Lab
to cancer
last Saturday and I know it must have been caused by the trash that
was in her
dog food.  Next puppy will definitely be fed meat and bones.  Please
let me
know about feeding dogs this way, as I want to get it right next time.

tia, Jan

> Don't know diddly about supplements as an industry, but as a parallel to
> your conclusion, I do know that the commercial dog food industry was
> developed as a way of profiting from foods too spoiled to legally feed to
> cattle or swine or poultry (grain with too-high PPMs of aflatoxins, and 4-D
> meats, which means diseased, down, dying, or dead -- the stuff too far gone
> to even be seen by the USDA inspectors)....