Just an update...

Initially, the attorney for the family of Anamarie Martinez-Regino
the services of my firm.  The next morning, however, he informed us he
not have the funds necessary.  My boss, Dave Avrin, made an offer; he
go to Albuquerque and organize media coverage of today's hearing at no
charge, provided he could be the family's spokesperson.  The attorney

I'm disappointed but, frankly, more for the girl.  The court of public
opinion is very important in a case like this and so far, attorney
Prichard's appearances have done little to help this family.

FYI, an AP story, citing a social worker's affadavit, says "a doctor
diagnosed Anamarie's condition as leptin receptor deficiency, a rare
defect.  It causes victims to think they're hungry, even after they've

I will be the first to admit the mother and father may not have
followed the
doctor's recommendations to a 't', but, in my humble opinion, there is
WAY you could make a child this fat and certainly no way one could
make a
child 50% taller than other children her age.  Something else is going
here and my prayer for Anamarie is that there's a doctor who can make
proper diagnosis.

Dori Zook
Denver, CO