Okay.  This looks like fun, so I gotta get in on it.

This is the best I can do for now.  (I'm the one on on the right,
shaking hands with the hemlock and its tiny cones.  Ignore the one on
the left--he's totally un-paleo and out of his natural,
reptile-free, organ meat-repelling element.)


I'll have to dig out my big tree shots, Jean-Claude.  Sorry to
disappoint you, but I'm fully-clothed--after all, it was

> with my big fat friend
> in a coucou's nest
Happy Birthday Amadeus.  My grey and I will join your age in a couple
weeks.  My photo's about 2 years old.

> Here I am. (Was in the age of 36. Since yesterday I'm 41).
> But be warned. Now i'm looking *much* older.
> Especially that one grey hair has turned to loong grey hair....
> (people say it was after my long hospital stay 2 years ago).
> I'll find a newer one, of present times and scan it.
> Ok,
> Now I'm looking forward to see some more pictures.
> I would be nice to see you all.
Your Viking/Klingon,