On Thu, 28 Sep 2000 21:43:38 +0100, Andy <[log in to unmask]>

>On Thu, 28 Sep 2000, Amadeus Schmidt wrote:
>> As a rule of thumb to have your 2400kcal and 70g protein/day you need:
>> 400g nuts (or sunflower, pumpkin seed, flaxseed, hemp...)
>> 700g starchy grains
>> 4000g fruit
>> 8000g vegetables
>This is 13 Kg/day, or for the non-metric, 28lbs or 2 STONE !
>What percentage of your bodyweight are you eating each day ?
>And all this for just 2400 Kcal.

It means - *one* of these.
Nuts beeing the densest (like a little meat with a lot of fat).
16lbs of vegetables sound impossible but might be achievable if
you're eating all day.
Mixing in some denser foods shrinks this considerably.

However a huge volume of the vegetables brings a lot of good
minerals vitamins and fiber with it.
Chances are we need a little more than just the most dense possible.
