>My HFS carries arrowroot but it's on backorder for some reason. Can I use
>Kuzu instead? Or will tapioca flour work? I want to make Patti Vincent's
>arrowroot bread (crackers and scones, actually) from the paleofood list at
>http://www.paleofood.com/baked.htm While I would like to know if these are
>paleo, I also want to know if they will work in the recipe regardless of
>their paleo status. All I care about is that my kids isn't allergic to it.
>Thanks in advance.

You know, my girlfriend can bring home Dove dark, Starbuck's Dulce de
Leche, or a number of my other former favorites, and it doesn't get to
It's that xxxxing hot sourdough bread in restaurants that has me
the walls...
