>By the way, many books suggest that women be 25-30% body fat, which is still
>very jiggly and saggy and defininitely overfat for an athletic person or a
>hunter-gatherer (too much fat can really slow you down).  I think 20% body
>fat is healthier and more attractive than 25%----no it's not emaciated and
>need not be boyish or pixie-ish, you'll still have curves, breasts, etc
>unless you were "gifted" with a flat chest and boyish hips (which thank
>heavens I was not!!! :-).  Even leaner and more muscular may be desirable
>for some....!

Can you point at well-known people as a gauge to 25-30% and 20% fat?
curious how this translates to actual body types. I mean, where do
Rider and Anne Nicole Smith fall in this spectrum?

At the risk of opening another can of worms, I often wonder about
of female beauty. I have a friend who shows me his picks from internet
sites (Playboy online, etc - strictly models, non-porn), and he has a
horror of wide hips, rounded butts, and any fat generally. On the
hand, he doesn't mind all the models with rib bones and clavicles
out, which to me is as appealing as open sores. As you can gather I
consider ANS closer to "how women should look" than Callista
Most of the women held up to the public today look, to me, like they
just released from concentration camps.

(For opera fans, one of my favorites is Ruth Ann Swenson.)

Mike (getting ready to dodge flying objects)