On Mon, 25 Sep 2000 10:15:32 CDT, Justin Hasselman
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Some people just find pushing themselves to physical limit to be rewarding.
>It's not admirable, but it's a source of emotion for many. If I had a
>choice, I would rather die at 30 with the body of Arnold than at 90 with
>body of Linus Pauling.  I credit that to low self esteem, but we all have
>our vices.

I hope that is not the choice. My own personal aesthetic is
the lean - muscular - cut look more like would find in something
like Men's Workout instead of Flex. This is can be approximated
without drugs or torturing yourself, and I have found life
very pleasing (at 47) to live this way (for a very long time I

Philip Thrift