Christy ten Broeke wrote:
> Kevin, with great interest I  followed the link to the simple lifestyle
>page.  Thought it had to be  about chucking that tv out the window,
>stressfree life, back to cavetimes...
> To my disappointment it appeared to be a religious site. I can't even get
>in to take a look without becoming a member.

Christy, I was just trying to be helpful in finding a place to get tea
oil. I am sorry I forgot to remove part of my sig file from my post
before I
hit "Send". The link is to an email list I co-moderate. It is closed
non-members to keep spammers from getting the member's email addys.

If you had gone to the trouble of checking out the site, you would
found it is NOT A RELIGIOUS SITE! It is a site on how the Old Order
and Mennonites live without electricity, farm without machinery, grow
own food, and live as self-sufficient as possible. The site teaches
members how to do the same. The site is aimed at people who are
looking to
convert to Old Order Amish, but anyone is welcome to subscribe.

I am NOT a person who tries to "hide"or "disguise" his religion, or
"force"or "sneak" it on anybody else! I am Beachy Amish Mennonite, so
the whole list knows!

Kevin Raper
Piedmont, SC
( This time my sig file is left in on purpose!) I will be sure to
remove it
in future posts.
Learn how to live a plain and simple lifestyle! Go to and subscribe
Genesis 2:17 "Do not eat of the fruit of the technology that makes
the inedible." (Translation by Ray Audette)