Justin Hasselman wrote:

> Hi all.  My brother has a horrible cold.  Before he goes to the doc for
> antibiotics, I wanted to know if anyone has used any of the immune system
> promoting herbs to fight off a bacterial or viral infection?  Echinacea and
> Goldenseal are the 2 major ones - anyone get results from these?
> What about mega high doses of vit C (6g or more per day)?
> I was hoping just low carbing for a few days without dairy, grains, legumes,
> etc would do the trick but his situation hasn't improved.

I've had very good luck with Cold Snap, an herbal remedy based on
Chinese remedies;  it's commonly available at health food stores here.
I take it every hour or so to turn the course of a cold for the first
then back off to 2 capsules 3 or 4 times a day for about a week.
In my latest episode, I was unable to find the capsules and took the
powder in hot water.  I had let the bug go and was feverish and
pretty sick; I had a cup of it every half hour from 5 to bedtime, then
up several times during the night (9 cups of water has to go
and felt better each time.  By morning I was feeling human again, and
