This guy is very illusive.Last year after the UN meeting, Mr.Jammeh met with
concerned citizens he went to Banjul and temporarily dissolve the infamous
'youth wing of july 24',just to praise them in his sixth feet deep speech at
the state house just months before meeting the united nations this year.
Many of us were dumb found to know that this group is still operational in
the Gambia.Which he vowed to dissolve for good.
I hope that he changes because its very apparent by his initiative or
Gods our land will see better days,when each Gambian life is respected
and Gambian children will not look next door and wish they had the peace
and freedom found in Dakar Senegal.
     More than i hope for Jammehs temporal miraclous change,i hope that
the few Gambians muslims that have what it takes will tie him down and
transport him to mecca in secrete that he may have his 'will' to be close to
Allah. And perhaps pray and fast for a week that he may see that he is not
Rasululie or anyone close to HIM! Most of his miscalculations are fed to him
by deranged dancers and pysdo intelectuals who have lost their power to
compassionate for others.
     Their hearts either numbed by experience or lost in religious
fanatism and imagined rewards will not open to see that it matters what we
do on to each other right here on earth!
     Like the Nazi murderers they site fear and chain of command to blow
their younger brothers out of the face of the only existence
they got.
     Tell you the truth it will take Gambians to change Gambia the only
change Mr Jammeh knows how is to change title and clothing and other peoples
jobs.The only problem with his way of changing titles is he only know to go
up the ladder when it comes to pampering himself.
      My only fear is if one of these days he gets up and call himself
Allah! That Gambians close to him will not believe and start worshiping him
by looking upwards instead of the right way handed down to us!


>From: Ramatoulie Gillen <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: NY's Demonstration prove to be effective! Yaya is changing?
>Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 04:19:03 GMT
>According to sources, after the New York incident, Yaya returned home and
>gave students twelve school buses.  He then held a meeting claiming that
>from now on, his interest is the happiness of the students. He promised
>students and especially women shall not be hurt or killed under any
>circumstances. This last statement was particularly addressed to his crew.
>Is this true?
>>From: Ramatoulie Gillen <[log in to unmask]>
>>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
>><[log in to unmask]>
>>To: [log in to unmask]
>>Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 03:15:50 GMT
>>There is no need to waste time figuring out What killed Ebrima Barry. We
>>know that he was severally beaten to death by Yaya and his executioners.
>>also know that all the authorities involve in this case, including the
>>coroner, the judge and prosecutors are terrorized and tamed by Yaya and
>>murderers.  It is sad, but we will unjustly loose this case.
>>The question is how do we eliminate Yaya Jammeh, so that there will be no
>>more death Gambians.  So far there is optimism in our efforts, but as we
>>know, it's not enough.
>>Ramatoulie: gambian.com's anchor
>>>From: Dampha Kebba <[log in to unmask]>
>>>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
>>><[log in to unmask]>
>>>To: [log in to unmask]
>>>Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 11:23:57 EDT
>>>Please see the following report from the Independent. I cannot believe
>>>Please let someone tell me that this is not about to happen. The
>>>are not about to cover this case up. They murdered poor Ebrima Barry and
>>>some corrupt doctors are trying to cook up some fishy cause of death. I
>>>the Cuban doctors that participated in the autopsy will also be called to
>>>testify under rigorous examination. This is pathetic. Where is this Dr.
>>>character from? I am not a doctor but I would have thought that if Ebrima
>>>Barry had such a chronic illness, serious enough to cause his death, the
>>>symptoms of the illness would have manifested itself to his family and
>>>friends. I hope the journalists made a mistake in their reporting because
>>>just cannot figure out how someone can call himself a doctor and then
>>>such ridiculous medical conclusions. This is outrageous and I must say
>>>the government is toying with another demonstration. Their bogus
>>>of inquiry report should teach them that the April 10 and 11 incidents
>>>occurred because the Gambian public was denied justice in the Ebrima
>>>case. They are trying very hard to repeat the same mistake. Commonsense
>>>tells us that Ebrima Barry was murdered by those firemen. So why are the
>>>authorities going to such lengths to try and ensure that the firemen go
>>>unpunished for their crimes? I hope the prosecutor in this case
>>>by Secka) counters Dr. Sam's dubious testimony with expert testimony
>>>that Ebrima Barry's death could not have been caused by what Dr. Sam and
>>>those Cuban doctors are saying. The prosecutor should do some research on
>>>the symptoms of chronic hepatitis and check whether Ebrima Barry suffered
>>>from such symptoms prior to his murder. This is insane. Surely the
>>>and the torture Ebrima Barry sustained had something to do with his
>>>Even if Barry had an existing illness, that does not absolve his
>>>from culpability. Even novice lawyers (let alone judges) are aware of the
>>>legal maxim that 'you should take your victim as you find him'. Meaning,
>>>even if Barry had hepatitis and was killed by a blow which would not kill
>>>person that does not suffer from such ailment, his attackers would still
>>>guilty of murder. What these slimy characters are trying to do is to
>>>neutralize that maxim and declare hepatitis as the sole cause of death,
>>>opposed to a catalyst. For starters, prosecutors have to challenge the
>>>conclusion of Dr. Sam that Barry suffered from chronic hepatitis. If Sam
>>>turn out to be right, the prosecutor should surely be able to prove that
>>>hepatitis was not the sole cause of death. The blows Barry sustained as
>>>result of the torture, was the cause of death. Albeit, hepatitis might
>>>played a role. This is simply unbelievable. Especially if you take into
>>>consideration the fact the Sam was probably a prosecution witness. You
>>>government officials coming in to sabotage the government's (the
>>>case. Only in Gambia.
>>>- says chief pathologist
>>>The chief pathologist at the Royal Victoria Hospital Dr. Thomas Sam has
>>>the High Court that the late Ebrima Barry's death was caused by a chronic
>>>hepatitis of about six months old.
>>>Dr. Sam was giving evidence on the post mortem report made on Ebrima
>>>after his death in March 2000 by Dr. Raphael of the Cuban medical team.
>>>Sam said that when he returned from a trip to South Africa, a report was
>>>passed on to him, which he said was made in two stages, the preliminary
>>>the final.
>>>He said the preliminary stage was based on what was observed by the naked
>>>eye while the final was based on a microscopic study carried out by two
>>>Cuban doctors and himself as the head of the unit. Dr. Sam further told
>>>court that the report showed excessive bleeding from the liver which he
>>>led to a blockage of the blood flow in the lungs. He said it was due to
>>>blockage of the blood flow which led to Barry's death, which he said is
>>>normally caused by serious chronic diseases. He however expressed
>>>that Ebrima Barry was able to be walking about with such a disease.
>>>Ebrima Barry died on March 9, 2000 while he was student at Forster's
>>>Technical School in Brikama. He was said to have had some problems with
>>>teacher who allegedly reported the matter to the Fire Brigade office in
>>>Brikama where some firemen allegedly subjected him to some beating and
>>>torture, which allegedly resulted in his death.
>>>His death was one of the reasons that led to a confrontation between the
>>>Gambia Students Union (GAMSU) and the authorities calumniating in the
>>>student disturbances of April 10th and 11th 2000 leading to the death of
>>>more than 14 school children and the maiming of several more as well as
>>>heavy destruction to property.
>>>The case was presided over Justice T.A Kabalata while the state was
>>>represented by an independent prosecutor Nosa Avan and the fire officers
>>>accused of Ebrima Barry's murder were represented by Lamin Jobarteh, a
>>>private legal practitioner. The case was adjourned to September 28.
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