Hi All,

        Today was a little surprising. Although I did lose weight this week,
it was all lean mass! (Not good)

        I did everything right except maybe a little too much exercise. This
is the progress for the last two weeks and I've really been going at it!



9/7/00  36.75   6.75    194     20.2%   39      155
9/14/00 36.5    6.75    194     19.6%   38      156
9/21/00 36.47   6.75    192     19.7%   38      154

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ward... James Ward [SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2000 12:20 PM
> To:   [log in to unmask]
> Subject:      [EVOLUTIONARY-FITNESS] Introduction
> Hello,
> I don't know if any of us have met before, but here's the scoop on
> me.  I've been interested in evolutionary diet and fitness for several
> years now.  I'm currently a few weeks into the beginner's routine
> at: http://pages.hotbot.com/health/tbk3/index3.html
> I'm finally learning to jump rope.  :-)  I have to use kids or groceries
> for the farmer's walk.  :-)  My eldest son (7 in October) goes to the
> weight room with me.  I'm also doing a lot of loafing around on my
> bicycle.
> The fittest I've felt in the last decade was a little after my eldest son
> was born.  I was riding my bicycle hard ten miles a day commuting to work
> and doing chins and dips on a Gravatron or the play equipment at the park.
> I'm 42, 6', 200# and looking to change my body composition and regain that
> fittest feeling.
> I'm glad to see this list online!
> Sincerely,
> James Ward