<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello.  Hope you all had a better day than I did today.  Just wanted to share
my story.

Today I went to my GP, with my Celiac notebook/binder I have put together in
hand, to ask for a vitamin screenand bone density test.  See my husband and I
want to try to have kids starting next spring and thought that it would be
good to get everything checked based on what everyone here shared with me and
other things I have read about Celiac Patients.  Here's what happened.

When my Gastro had diagnosed me, I feel soooooooo  much better on a gf diet
and my IgA levels were elevated (her scale: 1 to 4 - normal, 5 to 10
elevated) I was a 5.  So she said to me at our last meeting that based on
those two factors: tests results and how much better I feel on my gf diet
(now up past 9:00pm, not as cranky, no more painful diarrhea episodes, unless
I went off the diet; full of energy...) she was convinced I had Celiac
Disease/Gluten Intolerance and she didn't feel I needed the biopsy unless I
needed to be convinced.  I told her, I have never felt better so I am sold....

Now back to my GP today....this doctor had no idea what CD was and told me
that I only had gluten intolerance and because my gastro wrote on her letter
that I had low level Celiac that she didn't think the tests were necessary.
And though it wasn't an inconvenience that I stopped by, they didn't think
they could recommend anything.  I told her about this list, everything I have
read and the folic acid levels....low absorbtion levels.....and she basically
looked at me like I was some sort of hypocondriac (sp??) freek.  And told me
there was nothing she could do, they would do the tests but only if
recommended by my gastro.  I was so hurt.  Here I am trying to adjust to this
new disease, reading up on things, trying to get my body back into shape and
my GP, due to her lack or knowledge thinks nothing of it because I only have
a "gluten intolerance and low level Celiac".  If I had low level heart
disease I bet they would have helped.

Guess I was supposed to wait until I had high levels of IgA and in more pain
than I already was.  Needless to say I am changing my doctor and I left a
message for my gastro to see if she will order the tests.  My gastro actually
asked me who she should send a letter to so that they are supportive of me,
guess my GP has decided not to be supportive.

It was such a bad experience, I have not been avoiding Pizza for nothing!  I
have never felt better and I am going to ask my gastro doctor to recommend a
new GP, who knows about Celiac or who will at least be supportive and open to
learning about it.  When I got home I called the CDF and spoke with a woman
who was extremely supportive.  My doctor made me feel like all of this gf
stuff was a waste and that I was exaggerating my condition and how careful I
was trying to be; the lady at CDF got me back on track.  I plan to keep my
disease at "low-level" and eventually show no signs of elevated IgA's.

Thanks for letting me vent.  Glad I have a good gyno,  and gastro doctor.
And this list has brought me a lot of comfort.

(Excuse all of the typos - no spell check!)  Please share your stories....Kim