Laura and others, I fear I have gotten misunderstood here.  The reason
why I tend to favor someone with a disability is this:  I figure that a
mate with a disability can be more understanding or helpful.  By this I
mean if a young abled bodied lady were to start a relationship with me
she would have start at ground zero.  Where as a person in a wheelchair
for instance knows at least to some extent what to expect.

You are right that even a breakup between disabled people can lead and
most likely will lead to a heartbreak.  I do not doubt that.  As for
what I'm looking for in a relationship:  Someone who I can help and
share the triumphs with and someone who can help get through the bad
times with.

I don't expect to meet someone tomorrow and get married next week.
Someone I can get to know as a friend and then who knows.  I am not
trying to send a double standard I could careless if the person was
"abled" or "disabled" but as I stated on top I think a disabled women as
in my case would possibly have a better understanding of the
situations.  But if I were to get an opportunity to date a "abled
bodied" woman I would certainly NOT turn her down.

I just feel I need some experience in dating.  I'm tired of this
sheltered life.  If I fall on my nose well I'll get up with new insight
the next time.

I hope I have not added more fuel to fire,
