On Sat, 5 Aug 2000 01:32:43 -0500 Gail Fritz <[log in to unmask]> writes:
>  Is everyone on this list on an elimination diet?

Everyone here avoids dairy for some reason or another - not all bc of
allergy.  Some bc of LI others for ethical reasons.

>  And for those of you with children, how do you
> avoid group snacks at preschools?  Ryan will be attending Montessori in
> few weeks.  They are aware of his allergy, but the snack system is set
> where the parents volunteer to provide the snacks for one week, each
> taking turns.

My 3 yo starts preschool in the fall also.  Their snack is set up such
that the school provides it.  I'm to just send her snack and juice (she's
allergic to grape) so that there is no problem.  I'm hoping that I can
get a list of what is coming up so that *I can provide something
comparable instead of opposite of what everyone else has.  This is not my
ideal, but

As for parties and treats, hers will be wrapped up to be sent home.
Fortunately, she is a good sport about things and understands very well
that she may not have everything.  She is not very "food centric" as we
have de-emphasized food at home.  She is fine at playgroup when all the
other kids are sharing their snacks and stuff.  The director is my
neighbor actually, and I feel she is willing to work with us if problems


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