
Even though no one's called me on the carpet for my recent ranting, I'd like
to apologize for it, anyway.  It probably WAS a legitimate, innocent
question but I flew off the handle anyway.

I have a theory as to why I did.  I'd just gotten some scary financial news
at work.  This led to (sh*t!) me going to the snack machine and drowning my
sorrows in, well, I won't say but you know what I mean.  Was it the stress
induced by the corporate bombshell?  Was it all those tasty poisons in my
veins?  Was it both?  Whatever the answer, what you eat isn't the only thing
that alters your frame of mind.  Please pardon my piss and vinegar.

That and pray the debris at work settles in a good and ordered pattern.

Dori Zook
Denver, CO
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