On Sat, 19 Aug 2000 21:40:04 -0400, Cheyenne Loon <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>> Of course: skulls.
>...skulls being bones, of course!

Of course.
Sume human skulls may be of even harder material ;-)

On Fri, 18 Aug 2000 16:56:55 EDT, Kim Tedrow <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I think paleo folks probably used animal body parts -- such as stomachs,
>bladders, and intestines, as food containers and "boiling bags."

And boiled with hot stones inserted into the bag, yes.
This may give some kind of (slightly) boiled meat.
I'm not shure why to do it - I mean if the heat is enough to kill off
bugs and parasites.

I don't know if stomachs and bladders could be used more often.
Surely somebody or some experimenting archeologists have tried it.

At last you can't put a whole elk into it's own stomach..


Amadeus S.