My dd Brooke is almost 4 mos old now and is starting to show an interest in
what mom and dad eat.  She watches us put food in our mouth and holds hers
open too!  Anyway, my question is what paleo foods (and in what form) would
be appropriate to offer her.  She is just starting to teeth but has no teeth
yet.  I don't really know if she will eat anything other than breastmilk
just yet but I want to be prepared.  Any suggestions are greatly

BTW, I have noticed that what dw Alicia eats has a definite effect on dd.
When Alicia eats 100% paleo, Brooke will not have a bowel movement for days
and will grow rapidly.  When she eats non-paleo foods, Brooke has more
frequent bms, gas, crankiness, etc.  Regardless though, Alicia always eats a
lot of meat.  In 3.5 mos, Brooke has grown to a very solid 16 lbs (from a
birthweight of 7 lbs 10 ozs), sleeps well at night (often 8 hrs), and is
generally very contented, alert, and strong.


Brad Cooley