On Tue, 8 Aug 2000 09:16:53 -0500, Ward Nicholson
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Yes, the article is a spoof. It's labeled as a hoax right at the top of the
>article. However, it's also intended to encourage people to think about
>these issues by the use of the humor.

I admit I skipped the spoof-proof als smallprint on the top of the page.
However thinking about the theme quickly bounced my own spoof check..
(seriously, cow-genes are much more voluminous as any plant's and cannot be
cut-and-pasted into apple sequences - they can only "paste" small sequences)

I consider the genetic engeneering a (possibly high) threat, so i thought
I'd include some own thoughts about it.
And how one could come to such an idea anyway (may it be humor or other).

After all which an emerging grin..

I enjoyed your introducing of a little humor into the always serious topics
 and visited the rest of your humor section as well.

thank you for that :-)
