>You might want to read, "Lights Out; Sleep, Sugar, and Survival" by T.S.
>Wiley. It reads very sensationally, but apparently the research was done
>scientifically, with all the references. Cheers,
>ginny and Tomo

Thanks for bringing this book to my attention in an earlier posting. I
borrowed it recently on interlibrary loan and just finished reading it. Have
been getting extra sleep as recommended (or just laying awake in darkness.)
It really does help with the sugar cravings. I've been trying to do paleo
for a couple of years but have been constantly sabotaged by sugar cravings.
Giving in to them sent me on binges. I was even considering going back to
Overeaters Anonymous or begging my doctor for pills, but this works even
better! Plus it's completely natural and actually paleo. I feel like I'm in
control of my life again.

The book makes many important points, although I also find it full of
annoying rhetoric. When it comes out in paperback, I'll buy a copy for my
personal library.

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