
Thanks for the kind comments! I always enjoy reading your useful postings;
and please, do keep it up! Anyway, I am glad that people are enjoying
reading my messages and in fact more are on the way.

Ebou Colley and Kebba Dampha: Where have you been to? (laugh) Brothers, I am
really missing your invaluable contributions to the L, and I am only hoping
that I'll read your postings very soon.

Buharry: Please, do keep me informed regarding Musa Ngum's forthcoming

Katim Touray: Try and listen to Ifang Bondi's last CD titled "GIS GIS". The
melody is brilliant, and I am quite sure that you'll like it!

Ebrima Ceesay

>From: saul khan <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: My Twelfth Message To Gambians!
>Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 17:11:47 GMT
>Your introductory statements echo my sentiments on Gambians and how we set
>ourselves up for being taken as donkeys by our "leaders." Unless and until
>we start en-mass to speak our minds to the "leaders" without sugar-coating
>the truth, we'll never get anywhere!
>Regarding your Sector assessments, I concur with your analysis entirely.
>let me give you a little tip: I think the UDP and NRP people need to pay
>some fee, and go ahead and adopt your assessments as part of their
>manifestoes. Your analysis are simply better than what both parties have
>there. Except for PDOIS, the other parties' platforms are at best very
>ambiguous. No offense intended, but that's the truth. So, maybe they should
>give you a little contract to help them. Just a thought. Great assessment.
>keep it up!
>>My fellow Gambians:
>>This period in our history is indeed a most critical
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