Ebou Jallow(Gewel,Metlango,Ex-APRC,Jambarr..Whatever you call yourself);

I, and am sure many of us here, are really getting tired of your
immaturity.Your arrogance make me puke, and your ego really stinks.
How can anyone of us take you seriously. Afterall this is the man who
stole $3,000,000("mere" in his own words) from the poor people of The
Gambia, yet you still have the guts to tell us how we should put the
country's crissis back together. Well, why don't we start with you first.
Give us back the money you've pocketted and for once in your
life do something for your country. Practice what you preach!
Remember it's people like you who are putting this country behind.
Just chew on that. Even the moron,Yahya, didn't speak well of you. He
too knew you can't keep a secret and thus cannot be taken seriously.
So you had to flee. One-way ticket to New City. Does this implies why
you're rallying with us to kick Yahya out that way you can take an
early retirement and finally return to the Gambia, I don't know. All
I know is money(especially when stolen) doesn't buy you everything.
And that one thing you're working so hard on is SELF-PROMOTION.

You wrote and I quote: " Jabou my loyalty is to ALLAH ONLY, not to any other
human being or entity". This means you are NOT part of us as you
put it, but here you are referring some of us as comrades acting as if
you part of the struggle. You right, you're NOT, you are part of the
MESS that started it all. Your inconsistencies in all of your postings
goes to validate my point. Why don't you grow up a little. As smart as
you may think you're, all you have to do is go back into the archives
of VOICEOUT and GAMBIA-L, and really see how much bag of sh*t you got
up there. Those who thought you were sincere now hold their heads.

I have been following your postings and to say that you're looking for
self-promotion is an understatement. Your 'Self-Promotion Tour' began, at
these forums:
(SEE FOR YOURSELF AT THESE LINKS- NB: he sometimes uses the alias
'Jambarr' which really goes to show you how sick this guy is. If you think
robbing from your own people makes you a 'Jambarr', then it's
time you consult an occupational hypno/psycho-therapist)

The Saga began at VOICEOUT :


Now it's GAMBIA-L :



I've got to hand it to you Ebou; you're one hell of a THIEF.And Now
that we know what you are, why don't you give us a break. We certainly
don't need this 'BAC KU' tough guy BS; We want Yahya OUT and he is
the one we are focusing on, NOT you. If Saul ticked you off, deal with
it in private, but then again I forget you would rather be in the
lime-light promoting your so-called new image. Sadly you've
disappointed those who trusted you and  that includes the last person
that sent you that e-mail in PRIVATE! I'll spell it for you
P*R*I*V*A*T*E. So you see why you can't be trusted. STOP DIVERTING OUR

                                              My Piece Of The Puzzle,
                                              Mr Makaveli (o-:).

>From: Ebou Jallow <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Jabou Joh
>Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 14:48:44 EDT
>Please atleast I have some respect for you.  I pray you to practice some
>restrain before commenting on "my lack of maturity".  What is immature in
>exposing an obvious scam, who is inciting me to fight his ethnic war?  Who
>in his sane mind will ever communicate such a heinous crime over the net?
>What more dilligence should I have done to distance myself from such a
>against humanity by exposing it to the whole world? I never made any
>assumptions, perhaps in your misperception or may be you know something I
>Jabou my loyalty is to ALLAH ONLY, not to any other human being or entity.
>Greetings my good sister.
>Ebou Jallow
>>Ebou Jallow,
>>My commentary on this issue has to do with your sending private
>>to the list.I do not know who the sender is, don't really care,nor am I
>>defending anyone in particular. I am just amazed by your lack of maturity
>>doing something like that, even if the identity of the sender is in
>>question.The onus to prove whether this person is real or not is not on me
>>all. I guess you should have done the due dilligence on it.You seemed to
>>assume he was real.
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