<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I knew I could count of this list for help  Thank you to all who wrote back
re: multiple food allergies.  I received over 100 responses and 98% of them
were supportive.  (I guess we have to respect the 2% who feel its their right
to flame anyone on this list at any time.) ;-)  Thanks again, and to all
those who wrote with the same symptoms, hang in there - we will feel better
again someday!!  Amy G Chicago IL area

1) Treatment suggestions: Ness Enzymes;  Complete sleep system (magnetic and
infrared rays) by Nikken; Allergy shots (if also have inhaled allergies) -
many people talked about inhaled allergies make food allergies worse; light
therapy; exercise; Accupuncture; stress reduction; biofeedback; NAET
(Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Treatment) practicioner (www.NAET.com); An
allergy treatment program called epd - enzyme potentiated desensitization;
Kinesiology from Natural healing Chiropractor; nutritional supplements;
soaking in detox baths with epsomsalts/baking soda/powdered ginger; Nystatin,
hydrochloric acid with pepsin, very potent acidophilous, and metamucil.

2) Books: Feed Yourself Right by Dr Lendon Smith; The Yeast Connection by Dr

3) Cooking/Eating suggestions: Eating foods as simple & as fresh as possible,
avoiding processed foods; Stick to the basics; Try foods raw if allergic
cooked or vice versa; Use substitutes when cookies, make things from scratch;
Rotating allergenic foods; Staying away from allergenic foods for 3-6 months
allows antibodies to go away; eating and drinking things that help to
establish a more alkaline inner body environment (rather than acidic); reduce
simple sugars/processed foods; eat organic foods

4) (My favorite) Emotionally supportive suggestions: Keep a sense of humor;
Go through stages of grief; Focus on abundance Not Scarcity, think of what
can have, not what can't have; Use food only as source of energy, find other
sources for emotional comfort or entertainment; Prayer "God will not let me
starve"; Be thankful; Think of someone who has it worse off; meditation;
abdominal breathing;

5) WEBSITES(I especially appreciate those that took the time to send me all
the following websites - after answering over 100 messages I still have to
take the time to check out all these new websites!!)



AAAAI Allergy Report : An easy to access guide to allergic medical disorders.

Allergy Medication Ingredients : Find out the ingredients in your allergy
medications. Many contain milk derivatives and other potential allergens!

Allergy and Asthma the Diet Connection : Great site with links to common food
allergens with sustitutions, recipes and how to look for them in prepared

Avoiding Corn : Help in avoiding things with corn

Sweeteners made with corn : If it is sweet it may contain corn

Common Allergy tests

Hidden Allergens in Foods:
