<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Dear All,

Since I was the one that shared my wonderful news of being able to eat
again and the help that I received from the Ness Enzymes I thought I had
better post again to make things a little more clear.  The 3 issues seem to be:

1. Are the digestive enzymes gluten free?

2. Can you order them directly from Ness?

3. What is the difference between Ness's Advanced Enzyme Formula and other
digestive enzymes?

So here is my response to help you all with these issues.

1. Are the digestive enzymes gluten free?

When I first called Ness they gave me a salesperson (which I am assuming
has happened to some of you).  Like with many companies, some of the people
answering questions don't have all the answers.  He hemmed and hawed and
said yes because wheat wasn't listed anywhere.  When I told him I could die
if there was one grain of any gluten even on the capsule it got his
immediate attention.  He then transfered me to a staff doctor with
Ness.  We had 2 very lengthy phone calls and their enzymes are gluten free
according to the doctor.  For some of you with corn sensitivities let me
share a little thing that she told me.  All enzymes come from 2 sources and
they are both in Japan.  When they are process them in the US in however
way they do to make them what they are if they get above a certain
measuring level the cut them with corn starch.  When I heard that I
thought, surely then I can't take these, as corn does me in royally!!  She
said that the enzymes themselves take care of any reaction anyone would
have to the corn and that all enzymes are made that way.  So, I thought it
was worth trying and sure enough, I do not have any reaction to the corn,
if there is any.  And I am now able to eat corn and things with corn in
them because of the enzymes.  (whewww...what a length answer, sorry!)  One
to #2....

2. Can you order them directly from Ness?

No, you will not be able to order them directly from Ness unless you are a
practitioner of some sort.  A doctor, chiropractor, naturopath etc. can
order them for you, but you will not be able to.  Yes, this is a little
frustrating but the reason is that they are much more potent than the over
the counter digestive enzymes.  They can't even compare to anything I have
ever tried.  My nutritionist said she would be glad to order them for
anyone if they don't have a practitioner that can.  She has been working
with me for years and understands the difficulties of not being able to eat
foods!  He name again is Carol Richards and her phone number is
979-865-3357.  She can not guarantee they will work for anyone, just like I
didn't have a guarantee when I first tried them that they would work for
me, even though the doctor at Ness thought they might. My naturopathic
doctor didn't think that the lack of digestive enzymes was my problem, but
he was wrong!  I kept saying how come I can digest meat but not anything

3. What is the difference between Ness's Advanced Enzyme Formula and other
digestive enzymes?

Ness's enzymes are live enzymes.  There are very few companies that have
live enzymes.  The over the counter enzymes are not live.  They are also
much more potent.  I do not have any interest in the Ness company (I know
you all think I am one of their salesman don't you?).  No, I am just a
wife, mother, grandmother, mother-in-law and housewife that has been very
ill with celiac for 50 years, finally put a name to what was making me to
unable to function in my life to take care of my precious family (self
diagnosed 7 months ago but new G.I. says there doesn't seem to be a doubt
that I have been celiac since birth) and now have been given the special
mercy to be able to eat once again!

We really know ourselves better than anyone.  If we don't try things how
are we going to know if something might help?!  We are not to give up, we
are to keep trying, over and over and over if necessary!!  We have many
that have loved us and been so patient with us for so many years if we can
get ourselves feeling better we  can maybe give some of that love back!!

I hope this has helped answer some of your questions.  Nancy in Texas