<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello, All,

I had asked whether people reacted differently to different thyroid
hormones prescribed for hypothyroidism.  I was particularly interested
in comparing Synthroid and Levoxyl (the generic).  From the responses I
received, it seems that it is a very individual thing.  Some people had
problems with one, some with the others, but more seemed to feel better
on Synthroid.  The responses are below.  Many, many thanks to everyone
who responded!!!  I hope people find the summary helpful.

Pat Shechter
Boston, MA
Email:           [log in to unmask]
My internist suggested that I only take the name brand medications, not
the generic.  I take Synthroid.
I am taking Levothroid (another brand).  It is well known that various
brands of the thyroid hormone will be somewhat different form each
other.  That is why doctors like us to stick to one brand.

Hope this helps.
I have the exact opposite reaction preferring Levoxyl over Synthroid so
I guess it is an individual allergic reaction.
I have had Celiac, for 14 years, I just started on thyroid medication
back in January after a routine checkup showed my TSH level was very
high...  I showed none of the typical symptoms of having hypothyroidism,
(I think it is because I am a very active runner). I was put on Levoxyl

After 2 weeks I had very bad upset stomach, gas and diarreah every
morning.  After 6 weeks I switched to Synthroid, my TSH was down to 8.2
(still not below 5 which is the high end of the acceptable range).
On the same dose of Synthroid my upset stomach went away, but my TSH
levels went back up to 14, so my dose has been increased to 125mcg, and
now I am having some more stomach problems every morning, so maybe it is
the body adjusting to the medication?

My adult daughter also has celiac and is on the Levoxyl for her thyroid,
it does not bother her at all.

Today I had more blood taken to check the TSH again, I suspect that my
dose is too high which is casing the upset stomach, I will get back to
you when the results are in.

What were your TSH levels and what dosage were you put on?
My daughter has both, celiac and hypothyroid. She's five years old and
has been doing okay on Synthroid so far.  I'll be looking for your
summary, just in case she needs to make a change in the future.  Thank
you!  and good luck.
I've been on both and have had no trouble with either one.
I just found out I am Gluten intolerant.  I used to be on SYnthroid (18
months) - I Had no problems that I know of but I knwo ALOT of people who
do not do well with the generic.  THere is some minor difference - I
don't remember what.
I have been on synthroyd for many, many years with no problem.  I
wouldn't try anything else because I am happy with synthroyd.
I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis, and they started me on
Levoxyl.  As I was apparently still making a fair amount of my own
thyroid hormone, I felt hyper and terrible titrating up on the stuff
until it "shut off" my thyroid -- which is what they seek to do.  I went
to an endocrinologist who switched me over to Levothroid.  It was about
that time that I first experienced "leaden limbs," which has pretty much
stayed with me for 3 years.  At no time did either of these medications
raise my temperature or warm my hands/feet.  I switched to a natural
thyroid glandular, which actually did warm my hands and feet.  I have
been off all thyroid now for several weeks.  Still have the leaden
limbs, and will probably go back on to some form of thyroid
supplementation if my current bloodwork comes back hypothyroid.  The
interesting thing is that on the test before this one, no sign of
autoimmune thyroiditis was noted.  The story may seem confusing and
fragmented because I have switched practitioners every year or so,
looking for some answers.  It makes most sense that the whole thing was
started by celiac, which no one until my doctor recently has suggested.
It's not really a direct answer to your question, but I thought you
might find the story interesting because it has to do with thyroid.  Do
you feel better on synthroid?  Perhaps I was just unable to utilize the
pharmaceutical thyroid because my minerals and vitamins were so low from
malabsorption.  Maybe when my gut heals I will be able to use it with
benefit.  I was interested to hear that synthroid works better for you
-- I am sure I will have to discuss with my doctor which pharmaceutical
I should try.
I can't take Synthroid at all, but Armour Dessicated Thyroid works very
well.  (My mom is just the opposite, but we don't know if she's Celiac
since she won't have the test because then she might have to feel
"guilty", isn't that funny?)  Anyway, the Synthroid really makes me feel
awful, whereas the Armor makes me feel better.
I didn't feel well on Levoxyl and never discovered the reason.
The thyroid listservs I have followed suggest that successful
supplementation is highly individual. I now take Armour after trying
Synthroid, then Synthroid plus Cytomel to improve memory and
fibromyalgia symptoms. Many feel best on Thyrolar. I haven't tried it
because it requires refrigeration and I don't want to worry about that
in addition to gluten free considerations while traveling.

Hope you find the answers you need.
I am one of those with CD that also has hypothyroidism.  My physician
prescribed Levothroid originally and I have been taking it daily for
several years.  To my knowledge it has never produced a reaction.  My
physician does blood work about once a year to insure the dosage is
effective.  To my knowledge the work up does not include analysis for a
gluten reaction.  It is the only drug that I have taken for this
problem, so I have no point of comparison.
Thanks for your interesting observation; I am on levoxyl and I have been
totally fatigued, but never connected the tiredness with the drug.  I'll
look forward to your summary!
HI. I have taken Synthroid for about 5 years.  I have never had another
hypothyroid drug and it is working for me.  I have had no bad effects
from it at all.  I would suggest that if it works for you, stick with
Although I cannot offer you anything in the differences between the two,
I will be very interested in what you find out.  I've been on Levoxyl
for about two years, diagnosed celiac for a year and a half.  I have
abdomen tenderness and bloating for some time, have undergone more tests
than I thought possible with no answer.  From your question, I wonder if
changing to Synthroid would help.  I hope you get some interesting
answers.  Thanks!
There is currently a problem with consistency between different
manufacturers (including synthroid) and between different batches of the
same manufacturer.  Since you were more tired, your effective dose might
have been too low on the generic.  I saw a post on another list earlier
this year from someone who said their pharmacy won't carry any of the
generics since they can't be sure that it will always be the same
manufacturer.  I know there is information on about.com about this, I
don't have an URL.
I have both Celiac and hypothyroid, but I've only take Synthroid and
never had a problem.  My husband is a pharmacist and checked out the gf
status of Synthroid...definitely gf!  I'd stick with the Synthroid...
Oh yes--very definately. I feel much better on the synthroid than the
levoxyl---but its been so long since I switched back that I can't recall
what was wrong when I was on the levoxyl--sorry.

Good luck--looking forward to the summary on this.