<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Well thanks again for all your help re: my horrible 3 weeks after going
GF.  As some responses suggested, my immunity was low and I caught a
cold, then on top of that I got exposed to cat hair, then I had my
period - whew!  Glad that's over.  I read all the responses and watched
by body go through all these horrific changes: swollen & sore throat,
tongue, esophagus. Plus I "pulled a muscle?" from coughing so hard from
the cold, that my lower ab killed every time I coughed after that. When
I started to feel better VOILA a urinary tract infection!

The good news is that now I feel GREAT!  I realize that as one of your
responses suggested, I was ridding my body of candida related probably
from Leaky Gut.  It was a dramatic reaction though - my tongue had
always had a white coating on it and when this happened it began to
swell & peel.  Sine my throat and esophus were also sore I wonder if a
similar process was going on, not to mention all the
toxins/fungus/whatever the hell my body was retaining (including water).
Now I have actually lost weight - the urinary tract infection was, I
think, my kidneys & urinary tract purging itself in much the same way.
OK so I apologize for going on but I have two questions:  Has anyone
used Oil of Oregeno?  I tried it internally & on my scalp (to hasten
regrowth) don't know if it will help but I can already see a difference
since going GF.  Also Does anyone know if Dr. Ulene vitamins are GF?????
I just bought some and want to start taking them.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart - I am sooo happy, feel so
much better, even though I still get easily fatigued, I have much more

Luv, Angie