What is "wrong" with us on this list is that we don't like people who shoot off
their mouths with no substantiation......

McDonald's, like many other public companies such as Proctor and Gamble, has
been the victim of many urban legends.  McDonald's publishes a nutritional
pamphlet free for the asking at any of their outlets.  The nutritional info is
supplied by Corning Hazleton, Inc., an independent testing facility.

You can also call McDonald's Nutrition Information Center at 708-575-3663.

Someone who makes wild claims but won't substantiate them because "they are too
busy" was probably too busy to determine whether or not the info they are
parroting was accurate in the first place.

Paula H., with no financial interest in McD's.....

Siobhan wrote:

> <<Making the assertion you made above without any evidence is called libel.
> The onus is on you to dig up the evidence or stop libeling McDonald's.>>
>     What is wrong with you people?  Geez...if McDonald's Corp. sues me, I'll
> dig up the info.  In the meantime, I have people to treat.
> Siobhan