On Wed, 12 Jul 2000 21:11:34 CDT, Justin Hasselman
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>And when I do get a kill for a burrito craving, I'll just tear into some
>bananas.  My muscle glycogen is soooo low, that the incoming carbs just go
>straight to the muscle and also stored as glycogen in the liver.

This is the THEORY.   You can't feel the glycogen levels in your liver !

I was talking with a relative of mine about his breakfast at a restaurant that
day, and he happened to be talking about being served coffee, and I suggested
that it was always possible that the waitress had accidentally given him
caffeinated instead of decaf coffee, and he replied "No way, I would know" and I
asked "How?" and he replied "When I drink caffeinated coffee, I feel the
stimulant effect right away" and then I gently explained to him that it took
some minutes for the coffee to be digested and get into the bloodstream (at
least 15-20 minutes AFAIK).

I mention this, because I find a lot of these sorts of perceptions in the
bodybuilding and alternative medicine worlds.   (" I can feel the Lite Salt
destroying my body. ")

I'm not sure that it has been established in any definitive way that if you are
in ketosis, then blood sugar from carbohydrates automatically goes straight to
replenishing glycogen as opposed to other uses.   (But I could be wrong, and if
so, I'm sure I'll see a long Todd post with many abstracts! :-) :-)  )

BTW, you never answered "why?" (you want to lower your bodyfat levels below


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