On Thu, 13 Jul 2000 23:44:57 -0700 ginny wilken <[log in to unmask]>
> Well, I just read an article about humans having learned their
> social skills from dogs and wolves.

Ardeith writes:
I wish!  Dogs and wolves don't lie, don't kill their own
kind (usually), and the alpha bitch will steal the pups
from a beta bitch sometimes, but usually not to kill
them.......dogs and wolves rarely kill a pup......the
exceptions are usually when a bitch "knows" something
is wrong with a pup and she rejects it or kills it............

Ginny wrote:
Now, if these pack orders were carried into human life,
only the alpha pair would breed, and any accidental offspring
from other females would be destroyed by the group in a

Ardeith writes:
Only alpha bitches are supposed to breed.....but if a beta
sneaks around and produces pups, the alpha is more
likely to steal them to raise herself......which makes sense
in the wolfish way because the alpha pair always have
first choice of a kill.........

Ginny wrote:
What we have to figure out is if we started pairing off and becoming
bonded with one mate early on, and if we did, if that would preclude
sex the way folks like to pretend it does now. Lucy may have had more to
offer than tubers...

Ardeith writes:
Bonobo chimps don't go into an estrus cycle.....the females
are sexually active all the time.....as are human females......
The bonobos use sexual activity as a social tool to calm
tense situations and to increase their bonds with one
another.......we could do worse than follow the example
of the bonobos................just imagine using the pleasures
of sexual activity to calm tense situations at the United
Nations!   Special little rooms set up to take incensed
delegates to......soft lighting, soothing music, smooth
silky sheets, sensual pleasures......and the delegate
returns to the conference table in a far more peaceful
mood!!!!   Just imagine that!!

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