>(presently reading the Udo Erasmus Book and finding it excellent)

I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one who found it to be exciting.  I
can not believe what he know about the processing issues of fats so many
years ago.  Mainly though, I have yet to find a better argument for taking a
natural/orthomolecular approach to permanently healing degenerative
diseases.  This is the book that started my passion for health.  When I
first read those chapters about how cancer and many autoimmune diseases can
be cured, I was immediately interested in health.  I also found Udo's love
for Mother Nature and the natural way of things to be contagious.  Although
he wasn't a pioneer, he definitely deserves credit for organizing all the
info into 1 book.

Justin Hasselman

ps. To those who emailed me about thyroid questions, I'm going to type up my
thyroid suggestions (which are my personal views, I am not a medical
professional, nor do I desire to be b/c I'm more concerned about health than
disease) and post them to the list.  That way, others can critique it and
those who asked me questions can get more than 1 perspective on the subject.
  Since I have so many emails about this, I won't post it until this weekend
b/c I want to make sure it's thorough (spelling?) enough.
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