On Tue, 25 Jul 2000 23:22:30 -0700, Ingrid Bauer/J-C Catry
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>>Raw egg white has a antivitamin which destroys the vitamin biotin.
>>Biotin deficiency usually results from raw egg whites.
>ingested  by themselves alone  like in the studies  certainly!
>Egg yolk is rich in biotin so lot of chance that the whole egg is not a

This is, what some others have stated too.
As i haven't seen any studies about how much biotin the avidin from
the white can destroy i'm left to the following:

If biotin deficiency is known almost only from raw egg eating -- it's
hard to imagine, that such people ate only the white of eggs.

There may be a limit of the absolute count of raw egg whites, that leads to
the deficiency.
E.G. when leading to a certain *concentration* of avidin in the body and/or
gut, destroying biotin (not only from the egg, but also from symboint gut

>>For a list of symptoms you can consult any vitamin book and look what
>>is for.
>>In this way i consider egg white as unpaleo because it can't be eaten raw.
>I  am  eating  them raw for over 12 years  and eat them whole  when the
>white is tasty , but  end up eating more yolks than white at the end (
>2 or 3 eggs the white become unappealing generally to me ) .

Without having studies, i find your own instincto experience valuable
(raw eggs ok, but not more than 2 or 3 egg whites).

Btw personally i always found egg white very disappealing and bitter
as opposed to egg yolk.

Eggs beeing paleo--- it may be possible to find a small nest of eggs
from time to time without any harm.
In the savannah, there were certainly not factory farms with thousands of
birds supplying eggs regularly and in dozends.

Also food items with a toxin are paleo up to a certain amount eaten.


(presently reading the Udo Erasmus Book and finding it excellent)