I think it was said on this list that the max is 35 grams per meal.  It
really depends on what I do in a workout.  Jean-Claude is big on
instincto.....   I'm the same way.....  Just listen to your body.....  Some
days I eat only red meat and fat because it's what I feel.  On those days I
have had a particularly hard workout and I have yet to experience anything
more than "mild" muscle soreness.  Other days it's minimal protein and heavy
on the veggies.....  Another day I ate salmon and avocado all day long.....
My only rule since going paleo is "what do I feel like"? .....  This works
for me, but then again, I'm weird.     :)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Gawen Harrison"
> One of main bleatings of the vegetarian crowd is that humans can only
> 3-5 ounces of meat at one time