Adrienne asked...
>Why couldn't a person substitute some low-carb veggies with low-carb fruit
>berries?? Do you find that any fruit stalls fat loss?

I have to be very careful with fruits, even something as innocent as, say,
raspberries.  Even something this innocent can kick in carb cravings for me.
  I kid you not!

I've also noticed that all fruit seems to burn my tongue now.  What's the
deal?  I even notice it with bananas.  It's only slight, but it's there.

If I DO decide to eat a little fruit (emphasis on little), I eat it first,
then eat meat.  This keeps the cravings away and keeps my blood sugar from

An example.  I was at an all-day musical affair today.  At lunch, I had a
"taco salad" (greens, ground beef, peppers and a tiny bit of tomatoes, no
cheese or chips, of course) and a tiny bit of watermelon.  We're talking,
oh, maybe 1/3 cup.  About a half an hour later, I was yawning and about to
doze off as I tried to belt out a Bach motet.  It only takes about 15g of
fruit carbs to knock me out.  Dammit!

Dori Zook
Denver, CO

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