On Tue, 18 Jul 2000 21:02:53 -0400, Todd Moody <[log in to unmask]>

>Yes, and yet the Maori clearly eat more vegetable and fruit food
>than the "Esquimaux."  Lots of seafood, but lots of fruit and
>other vegetation as well.

Maori as the worlds winner? It will contribute that they have a high
Vitamin C, calcium and Vitamin A ingestion.
Inuit second best? They don't eat starches, so the main acid-attack from
decomposing starch, sticking to the teeth is avoided. Vitamin A plenty.
But how can they bear the severe vitamin C shortage which is especially
important to the gums?

>On Tue, 18 Jul 2000, matesz wrote:
> .. The Alpine Swiss who included rye bread, potatoes, dairy, and little
> meat had 46 decayed teeth out of 2000.  ....  For comparison modern
> Americans show greater than 180 decayed teeth per 2000 teeth.

..Who are big meat eaters, but even bigger eaters of sweets.
It seems that the most important factor is to avoid sweet things.
More important than supply of any special stuff in the food.

Was the swiss data youg (industial food time, last 100-150 years) or older?
High sugar consumation and grain extracts (white flour) is used in amounts
only after this time. But to the extreme only since 50 years.

