Judy wrote:

>In Michingan where I live, Blue Cross is now reimbursing for nutrition >but
>they will only pay for RD's not certified nutritionists.  And as we >know,
>the majority of RD's are still jerking their knees at low carb >nutrition.

That's what I suspected.  Insurance companies can't seem to get thier heads
out of their a**es.  And while there are exceptions, most medical
professionals can't, either.  At my church there are two doctors (and
friends of mine) who think what I'm doing is nuts; we agree to disagree, or
beat our swords into plowshares, praise the Lord.  A fellow member and
biology professor, on the other hand, wants to learn more about it.  HE'S
the one who deserves an MD in my book.

<I'm exploring ways I might be able to have
>an RD affiliated with my business so I can accept insurance payments.

You go, girlfriend!  Fight fire with fire.

Dori Zook
Denver, CO

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