On Fri, 7 Jul 2000 17:10:20 -0400, Wally Ballou <[log in to unmask]>

>Nobody (that I noticed)
>was offended by anything you said.  However, it was clear to many of us
>that you were using typical "vegetarian" tactics which were INTENDED to
>revolt and offend meat eaters.  Several of us have pointed that out to
>you, but you refuse to accept that while we recognized your intent to
>offend, IT DID NOT WORK...

If you know "typical vegetarians" which use butchering scenes INTENDING
to make readers revolting, that doesn't mean that it was MY intention.
People will be revolting in a vegan list, you can bet.
But I wouldn't expect it on a list with many hunters in them.

So, please just enjoy the native report i've dig up
at the zone talks. And accept I prefer otherwise.

And lets stop talking about intentions.

Amadeus S.