Todd wrote:

>Well, okay, I was off by a few pounds.  But this makes your
>caloric deficit even more severe, putting it into the starvation

But I've been in this range for the better part of two weeks now and I feel
just fine.  No major hunger pangs.  My energy level's just fine.  In fact, I
feel great, better than ever!

>At 215 lbs. you should be able to lose weight readily at 2400

And 'rednecks' should be called 'sons of the soil', but it ain't gonna
happen (a Simpsons line).  Lame attempts at humor aside, here's what I ate

5 oz catfish, baked, with one pat of butter
3/4 lb chicken wings, which should come to 6 oz of meat and skin
1 banana and 8 oz ground beefalo

As you can see, I planned to go three days on meat only, but I heard a
banana calling my name when I got home.  The above fits into my 12-1400
calorie range.  I ate the banana and red meat more than two hours ago, and I
feel stuffed!  Not overstuffed, but a good inch beyond satisfied.  2400
calories a day?  That sounds HUGE!

I think I'll pick up the phone tomorrow and see what hoops I have to jump
through to see an endo again.  I suspect it'll be "see a GP first" (haven't
seen a doc for nearly two years and have to find a new one, oh rapture joy).
  I wouldn't be surprised at all if he or she tells me to cut my fat intake
and refuses my request to see a specialist.  At the very least, he'll
probably put me through a check-up before sending me on my way, something
completely uneccesary and probably performed while I'm in my underwear.

I once had to sit in my underwear and a paper top while a neurosurgeon
watched me touch my nose with my index fingers.  How being half-naked helped
with this is beyond me.  Yes, I'm somewhat anti-doctor.  If you're gonna
make me strip you could at least buy me dinner first.

Dori Zook
Denver, CO
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