Yaya has again blatantly blamed the victims of the massacre of April 10 and
11 for that callous and unfortunate event. Instead of showing remorse for
what happened and blaming himself and his security forces, he heaped all the
blame on the students and so called 'detractor' that 'instigated' the
students. To nobody's surprise, Yaya cannot name a single person that might
have instigated the students. Instead he made this reckless innuendo for the
consumption of the commission of inquiry looking into the massacre of our
children and for the consumption of the international community. I strongly
feel that his comments were not meant for ordinary Gambian folks. The
ordinary people in The Gambia (as demonstrated by Saul Jobarteh) know that
the students acted on their own accord. The students are smart enough and
decent enough to know that covering up rape and murder is wrong. They do not
need any 'detractors' to tell them that or to tell them to go and
demonstrate against that. It is pathetic that Yaya will stand before an
international audience and claimed total innocence for what happened on
April 10 and 11 and instead blamed the victims for their murders. We hope
that the commission takes these statements for what they are, i.e. blatant
lies and excuses. The people Yaya is pointing fingers to as 'detractors'
should be on their guard and challenge Yaya to back his lies with evidence.
They should not tolerate this innuendo. The commission and any future judge
in this matter should be warned. We are closely watching them and would not
allow such extraneous matters to influence their decision. Yaya did not go
before the commission to utter such lies, and knowing the coward, he will
not come before a court to repeat this nonsense. So Yaya's irrational
rattling should not be part of any legal dispensation of this matter. What
he said just goes to show the insensitivity of this regime to the plight of
ordinary Gambians. They murder our children in broad day light and then have
the cowardice to deny it and instead blame the victims. This regime should
know that they are their own enemies and detractors. Bullets were not fired
from the students' side or from the skies by non-existent 'detractors'. The
shots came from Yaya's own security forces that were acting under his
orders. So long as they continue spreading lies, we would not be tied of
saying this and we will continue in our resolve to make sure that Yaya pays
for these crimes. But am glad that at least we are getting somewhere. At
least Yaya knows that what they did to the students on those fateful days
was wrong. That is why he has decided to lie about his role in this
massacre. But we promise Yaya that we will get to the bottom of this one.
When we say that no stone will be left unturned, we mean what we say. Yaya's
speech writer must have a very sorry life. All the evil they try to portray
lead straight to Yaya. Imagine hearing the following rhetoric from the moron
about the commitment of his government:

"commitment to maintain peace and stability, our detractors are relentlessly
determined to undermine our efforts and are constantly working to disrupt,
destabilise and plunge this beautiful, peaceloving and blessed country into

These people have no shame. These statements are coming from someone that
has sanctioned the murder of numerous Gambians, including children. What
happened on April 10 and 11 had never happened before in our country. There
were student demonstrations during the Jawara regime. No bullets were fired
and no one was murdered. It is under Yaya's watch that that happened in The
Gambia. The moron does not even have the decency to admit responsibility and
console the families of the victims. Instead he is grand-standing in front
of Libyan and Bissau diplomats blaming the children and some imaginary
detractors. This man should be gotten rid of forthwith.

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